113 research outputs found

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Menggunakan Power Point, Wonder Share Quiz Creator Dan Edmodo Di SMK APIPSU Medan

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    The presence of information technology has been very well approved by the world of education as a center for the development of science and technology and producing quality human resources. In this era of globalization, it is necessary to synergize the mastery of science and technology to increase self-competence so that quality Indonesian human resources can be implemented. Science and Technology must be owned by educators to be able to easily transfer knowledge for all students specifically to the teachers at SMK APIPSU Medan. One way to improve teacher human resources is to provide training on how to create learning media using power points, Wondershare Quiz Creator and Edmodo to facilitate the learning process. The process of this community service activity is that teachers at the APIPSU Medan Vocational School were drilled to create teaching materials using Power Point, create questions or quizzes using Wondershare Quiz Creator software and the results will be uploaded through online learning media such as Edmodo application. Using this Edmodo application helps in the learning process because teachers can give assignments, give grades easily. And also the teachers and students can discuss each other through virtual classrooms. Keywords—human resource improvement, powerpoint training, wondesshare quiz creator, edmodo

    A Minority of Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Routinely Downloads and Retrospectively Reviews Device Data.

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    BackgroundIn type 1 diabetes (T1D), periodic review of blood glucose and insulin dosing should be performed, but it is not known how often patients review these data on their own. We describe the proportion of patients with T1D who routinely downloaded and reviewed their data at home.Materials and methodsA cross-sectional survey of 155 adults and 185 caregivers of children with T1D at a single academic institution was performed. "Routine Downloaders" (downloaded four or more times in the past year) were also considered "Routine Reviewers" if they reviewed their data most of the time they downloaded from devices. Logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with being a Routine Reviewer.ResultsOnly 31% of adults and 56% of caregivers reported ever downloading data from one or more devices, whereas 20% and 40%, respectively, were considered Routine Downloaders. Only 12% of adults and 27% of caregivers were Routine Reviewers. Mean hemoglobin A1c was lower in Routine Reviewers compared with non-Routine Reviewers (7.2±1.0% vs. 8.1±1.6% [P=0.03] in adults and 7.8±1.4% vs. 8.6±1.7% [P=0.001] in children). In adjusted analysis of adults, the odds ratio of being a Routine Reviewer of one or more devices for every 10-year increase in age was 1.5 (95% confidence interval, 1.1, 2.1 [P=0.02]). For every 10 years since diabetes diagnosis, the odds ratio of being a Routine Reviewer was 1.7 (95% confidence interval, 1.2, 2.4 [P=0.01]). For caregivers, there were no statistically significant factors associated with being a Routine Reviewer.ConclusionsA minority of T1D patients routinely downloads and reviews data from their devices on their own. Further research is needed to understand obstacles, provide better education and tools for self-review, and determine if patient self-review is associated with improved glycemic control


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    The research objective was to study physical characteristic of discarded cooking oil combustion as the energy sources for wick stove. This research used Group Randomized Design consisting of two factors with three levels and three replications. The first factor is the filtration treatment of used cooking oil (A), and the second factor is the treatment of used cooking oil temperature (B). The parameters observed were firing rate, rate capillarity, viscosity, density, flash point, porosity and surface tension. The results showed the temperature and filtering of each treatment have significant effect on the rate of combustion, the rate of capillarity. Interaction of temperature and filtration respectively has significant effect on the rate of combustion and spur capillarity. The results showed that combined treatment temperature of 700C with a screening filter paper (A3B3) is the best treatment with the burning rate of 0.0189 mL / s, while combined treatment temperature of 700C with no filtering (A3B1) is the best treatment at the rate of capillarity 0.01173 mL / s.Keywords : cooking oil, rate capillarity, viscosity, densit

    Sejarah Konflik Masyarakat Muslim dan Hubungannya dengan Tingkat Pendidikan di Nagari Saniang Baka dan Nagari Muaro Sumatera Barat

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    This research is a study of the history of border conflicts in Muslim communities and their relationship with the level of education in rural areas of West Sumatra, namely in the Nagari Saniang Baka area with Nagari Muaro, Solok Regency as a case study. The history of the conflict developed along with the education level of the people from the two regions that had a history of conflict. The main focus is the construction of people's thinking about the importance of education before the conflict in 2008 and after the conflict. This study used a qualitative approach with twenty-five key informants, with a process of observation and interviews conducted for approximately six months. The result of this research is that the level of public understanding of education before the conflict between the two villages was very low, this is what makes conflicts easy to occur. Meanwhile, post-conflict, the level of community education is quite good which correlates with the community's understanding that conflict should not occur. Theoretically, conflict is a necessity, it always exists in the course of people's lives, but conflict must be controlled so that it is not destructive. In addition, the level of community education plays an important role in the conflict management process


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    Inflation has always been being seen as one of the most important macroeconomic variables in modern economies. Every year, media especially in Muslim countries has constantly reported that inflation rates increase during the Islamic holy month of Ramadhan and Eid Ul Fitr. Remarkably, there has been hitherto almost no serious study focusing on the empirical relationship between Ramadhan, Eid Ul Fitr and inflation. This research aims to examine empirically whether Ramadhan and Eid Ul Fitr have a systematic effect on inflation. This research uses regression analysis technique and involves data from 66 local economies in Indonesia between January 2000 and December 2017. The finding of this paper is Ramadhan and Eid Ul Fitr have a positive effect on inflation. The possible reasons for explaining the results is the high of public demand. To overcome inflation in Indonesia not only from the role of government in controlling inflation rate, but also the role of Muslims community in controlling consumption

    Relationship between Omega-3 Fatty Acid Intake, Nutritional Status of Third Trimester Pregnant Women and the Incidence of Low Birth Weight in Ende Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province .

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    Background. Child's growth and development are determined by the condition of the fetus in the womb and the nutritional intake of the mother during pregnancy. Mothers with less food intake during pregnancy will experience growth disorders and Low Birth Weight (LBW).   Purpose. The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship between omega-3 fatty acid intake, nutritional status of third trimester pregnant women and the incidence of low birth weight in Ende Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province.   Method. This type of research is an observational analytic research with a cohort approach. This research was conducted from January to March 2019. Samples were selected by purposive sampling of 109 research subjects. The data were collected using the SQ-FFQ questionnaire and Form Recall and analyzed using the chi-square test with a degree of confidence of 95% (α = 0.05).   Result.  There is a relationship between omega-3 fatty acid intake and low birth weight (p = 0.045; RR = 2.060; 95% CI 0.970 - 4.373) and there is a relationship between nutritional status of the third trimester pregnant women and low birth weight (p = 0,000; RR = .17,931; 95% CI 6,844 - 46,978). Conclusion. Pregnant women with deficient omega-3 fatty acids intake are 2 times more likely to give birth to low birth weight babies. Pregnant women with CED are 17.9 times more likely to give birth to babies with low birth weight.   Keywords: omega-3, nutritional status, LB

    A case study in open source innovation: developing the Tidepool Platform for interoperability in type 1 diabetes management.

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    OBJECTIVE:Develop a device-agnostic cloud platform to host diabetes device data and catalyze an ecosystem of software innovation for type 1 diabetes (T1D) management. MATERIALS AND METHODS:An interdisciplinary team decided to establish a nonprofit company, Tidepool, and build open-source software. RESULTS:Through a user-centered design process, the authors created a software platform, the Tidepool Platform, to upload and host T1D device data in an integrated, device-agnostic fashion, as well as an application ("app"), Blip, to visualize the data. Tidepool's software utilizes the principles of modular components, modern web design including REST APIs and JavaScript, cloud computing, agile development methodology, and robust privacy and security. DISCUSSION:By consolidating the currently scattered and siloed T1D device data ecosystem into one open platform, Tidepool can improve access to the data and enable new possibilities and efficiencies in T1D clinical care and research. The Tidepool Platform decouples diabetes apps from diabetes devices, allowing software developers to build innovative apps without requiring them to design a unique back-end (e.g., database and security) or unique ways of ingesting device data. It allows people with T1D to choose to use any preferred app regardless of which device(s) they use. CONCLUSION:The authors believe that the Tidepool Platform can solve two current problems in the T1D device landscape: 1) limited access to T1D device data and 2) poor interoperability of data from different devices. If proven effective, Tidepool's open source, cloud model for health data interoperability is applicable to other healthcare use cases


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    Pada zaman yang semakin maju kebutuhan akan material aluminium sangat diperlukan oleh masyarakat contohnya untuk pembuatan alat dan komponen otomotif, industri pabrik, pembangunan rumah bahkan hingga peralatan rumah tangga pun sudah banyak yang menggunakan aluminium. Oleh karana itu banyak industri berlomba-lomba untuk mengolah dan mengembangkan aluminium menjadi produk siap pakai. Salah satu industri tersebut adalah industri elektroplating yang menggunakan bahan kimia sebagai pewarna aluminium yang banyak merusak lingkungan. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, penulis meneliti tentang penggunaan ekstrak kulit manggis pada proses pewarnaan anodizing terhadap uji kekerasan pada tabung shock sepeda motor. Spesimen material tabung shock luar sepeda motor termasuk dalam aluminium seri 4xx.x dengan unsur Si yang dominan yaitu sebesar 6,85% mendekati spesifikasi aluminium seri 408.2(X). Hasil pengujian kekerasan vickers pada material tabung shock luar tersebut dapat dilihat bahwa nilai awal material tabung shock yang diuji tanpa anodizing memiliki nilai VHN sebesar 88,4 kgf/mm2. Kemudian nilai VHN mengalami peningkatan setelah di anodizing selama 20 menit, 25 menit, dan 30 menit menghasilkan masing-masing nilai kekerasan sebesar 91,1 kgf/mm2, 106,0 kgf/mm2 dan 137,4 kgf/mm2. Oleh karena itu, disimpulkan bahwa semakin lama proses anodizing maka nilai kekerasan pun akan semakin meningkat dimana nilai rata-rata kekerasan tertinggi terdapat pada waktu anodizing 30 menit dengan waktu pewarnaan 20 menit sebesar 137,4 kgf/mm2

    Perawatan gigi tiruan sebagian lepasan immediate pada pasien dengan periodontitis kronis

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    Periodontitis kronis merupakan masalah masyarakat di banyak negara berkembang. Periodontitis kronis termasuk penyakit peradangan pada jaringan periodontal yang disebabkan oleh bakteri spesifik pada subgingiva yang dapat menimbulkan respon inflamasi gingiva, dan berlanjut ke struktur jaringan penyangga gigi, sehingga menyebabkan kegoyangan gigi. Gigi tiruan yang proses pemasangannya dilakukan langsung setelah pencabutan gigi dalam mulut pasien disebut gigi tiruan sebagian immediate. Tujuan studi pustaka adalah untuk mengkaji perawatan gigi tiruan sebagian lepasan immediate pada pasien dengan periodontitis kronis untuk mengembalikan efektifitas pengunyahan pasien segera setelah pencabutan gigi. Seorang laki-laki, 40 tahun datang dengan keluhan gigi molar kedua atas kanan dan molar pertama bawah kiri mengalami periodontitis kronis disertai kegoyangan derajat 3. Pasien merasa kesulitan mengunyah dan kurang percaya diri karena banyak gigi geliginya hilang. Pada pemeriksaan intra oral didapatkan gigi 14, 15, 16, 18, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 35, 36, 45, 46, 47, 48 telah hilang. Anamnesa, pemeriksaan klinis, dan rehabilitasi protesa gigi tiruan sebagian lepasan dengan immediate pencabutan gigi 17 dan 36 dengan hasil insersi: gigi tiruan retentif dan stabil, tidak ada traumatik oklusi, dan baik secara estetik. Pada kontrol pertama, 24 jam pasca insersi, tidak ada keluhan, tidak ada pendarahan, gigi tiruan tidak menekan luka. Pada kontrol kedua, luka telah menutup dengan sempurna dan pasien merasa puas karena fungsi pengunyahannya telah kembali. Perawatan gigi tiruan sebagian lepasan immediate pada pasien dengan periodontitis kronis dapat mengembalikan efektifitas pengunyahan, estetik dan fonetik pasien segera setelah pencabutan gigi serta meningkatkan kenyamanan pasien

    Pemetaan Batas Lahan Pondok Pesantren Entrepreneur Muhammadiyah Gondanglegi Kabupaten Malang

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    Modern Islamic boarding schools are a combination of Islamic boarding school curriculum with the national education curriculum. Therefore though the format is a boarding school, boarding education, students also acquire knowledge and graduation standards as students who attend public schools. The Entrepreneur Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School (PPEM) is a charity business unit managed by the Muhammadiyah Branch Leader (PCM) Gondanglegi, Malang Regency. The land used by the lodge is certified charity land. Along with the construction of housing on the side of cottage land, land boundaries have become a new problem between the border of cottage and housing developers. There is a difference in stake and land boundary, claimed by the housing developer next to the cottage. The target and output of this service program are that PPEM administrators can make an inventory of land through physical mapping. The product of this activity is the result of land mapping, which is applied directly in the form of a topographical mockup of the Islamic boarding school land that follows the mapping results and strengthens the land certificate.ABSTRAKSistem pondok pesantren yang modern adalah perpaduan antara kurikulum pendidikan nasional dengan kurikulum pesantren, sehingga walaupun bentuknya adalah sebuah pondok pesantren, santri juga memperoleh ilmu dan standar kelulusan seperti pelajar sekolah pada sekolah umum. Pondok Pesantren Entrepreneur Muhammadiyah (PPEM) adalah salah satu unit amal usaha di bawah pengelolaan Pimpinan Cabang Muhammadiyah (PCM) Gondanglegi, Kabupaten Malang. Lahan yang digunakan oleh pondok merupakan lahan wakaf bersertifikat. Seiring dengan pembangunan perumahan di sisi lahan pondok, batas lahan menjadi satu masalah baru, antara pengurus pondok, dengan pihak pengembang perumahan. Terdapat selisih patok dan batas lahan, yang diklaim oleh pengembang perumahan di sebelah pondok. Target dan luaran dari program pengabdian ini yaitu pengurus PPEM dapat menginventarisir lahan melalui pemetaan fisik. Produk kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini berupa hasil pemetaan lahan yang teraplikasikan langsung dalam bentuk maket topografi lahan pondok yang telah sesuai dengan hasil pemetaan dan memperkuat sertifikat pondok
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